Rules and Regulations for Vendors

1) Setup and Teardown – Vendors are only permitted to setup between 5:30AM-8:30AM on the day of the market. NO EXCEPTIONS! The market starts at 9:00AM and no traffic will be permitted after 8:30AM. No refunds will be given to late vendors. The market ends at 3:00PM and vendors will have two hours after the event to cleanup. Parking will be available for vendors in general parking or in your designated space but must not exceed your booth space. 

2) Items not permitted: The following items are not permitted: dogs, cats, any other animals, baby food, infant formula, fireworks, alcoholic beverages, illegal items, bootleg items, crushed or ground incense, petition signings, Adult and X-rated materials, Combustibles – gasoline, propane, fuel oil, guns, ammo, guns, and mattresses. The Market may not be used to further political agendas, parties, elections, issues, or candidates. NO SELLING OF COUNTERFEIT ITEMS like Gucci, Prada, Fendi, Versace, or any other designer fake merchandise. The sale of counterfeit merchandise, or merchandise which violates trademarks and copyrights or others, is prohibited. It is the obligation of the Seller to verify that the merchandise offered for sale is not counterfeit. 

3) Only leashed dogs are allowed at the market. No other animals are allowed at the market.

 4) Vendors will be assigned a specific selling area and are required to keep their merchandise within that area for the safety of the shoppers. Vendors are responsible for any equipment used to hold down canopies, and equipment must not post a safety risk for patrons. Please keep the walking path clear of all signage, advertisements and overhead obstructions. All Vendors must vacate the premises within two hours after operational hours. Vendors must have their own change for customers.

 5) Vendors are to keep their space(s) clean and before leaving, spaces must be clean and cleared of all trash, paper, boxes (must be broken down) and spoiled produce as well as cigarette butts with all garbage secured and placed in trash cans. Merchandise left in a space, not paid for, will be considered abandoned and disposed of at management’s discretion, but at Vendor’s expense. Any Vendor who leaves trash will be charged a cleanup fee up to $150. Repeat violators will lose their right to rent booth space. Vendors are not allowed to move the trash cans to their booths. We will dispose trash that is generated from the booth on the day of the Flea Market. Vendors are not allowed to bring trash from home.

 6) Conduct: Vendors must conduct themselves in a courteous and professional manner and treat all customers, fellow vendors and staff with respect. No consumption of alcoholic beverages or drugs are allowed on premises 

7) Liability/Insurance: Central Illinois Flea Market shall not be responsible or liable to any vendor for any loss or damage that results to vendor or his/her property from water, fire, explosion, theft or from any source or any cause whatsoever, including acts of God; Nor responsible for any liability arising out of the negligent acts of its vendors or their employees, or for any injuries sustained by its vendors or their employees. 

8) Vendors shall comply with all applicable city, county, state and federal laws and hold all required permits and/or licenses for food trucks. 

9) Vendors are responsible for bringing their own tables, chairs, tents, etc. Tents must be grounded with weights on each vertical pole for wind control to insure safety of patrons and other vendors. 

10) The market is all outdoors and weather permitting. We will reschedule the event to a later date if the market is cancelled due to weather. No refunds will be given for any reason. 

11) Central Illinois Flea Market reserves the right to keep sound emitting from any type of stereo, radio and television, and any other sound to an acceptable level. No bullhorns, loudspeakers. 

12) Central Illinois Flea Market has the right to refuse admission to any Vendor.